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Insight on a Gare Kiln 1822

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I am looking into a Kiln that is for sale near me.  It is a Gare Kiln Model 1822.  I know it's older, but will I still be able to buy replacement parts for it in the future? The link is to a photo of the plate on the kiln with its Serial Number, etc on it.  I'm hoping to be able to start firing work from home, but i'm unsure if this is a good choice.  Any help or info on the kiln would be greatly appreciated 



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If this has the set of light switches, those are no longer available. You can swap them out with modern light switches, but not all of them since the old ones are much narrower. You can't fit 5 modern switches in the existing holes. The best solution when the switches start to dies is to remove them all and replace them with infinite switches. That will require drilling a mounting hole for each switch, but that's super simple. The infinite switches will also give you a lot more control in firing. The other option would be to use a digital control box, but that's a $1000 investment. Worth it if the kiln is in good condition, though.

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These are the images posted....i haven't gone to see it in person.  It definitely has the light switches.  Are infinite switches specific to kilns or can they be purchased at a standard hardware store? They want $750 for it - I'm trying to gauge whether it is a good deal or not.  Thank you for your opinions!





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