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Small Gas Fired Test Kiln for Reduction Glazes

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I am working on some new cone 10 reduction glazes, and wonder if anyone can suggest a gas fired test kiln that I could use to speed up my glaze development? Right now I am firing test tiles in my larger gas kiln, so my glaze experiments and finalizing new glazes will take forever.


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long time ago I made a "test" kiln with a few of bricks and a fired with a gas torch flame gun; it worked just fine; took longer to cool than it was to get to test temperature.  the idea was based on a page in book written by one of the early 1900 experts  whose name I don't remember. the size was about the 8x5x5 inches.  The book picture of the kiln had triangle cross section. 

I have also seen someone convert a gas camp stove to a small kiln;   again an example of Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.   


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Hi Neil - do you mean get a small electric kiln and convert to gas?

LT,  thanks for the comment! I also saw a small gas kiln test box in an old book, so I think I know what you mean, but I wondered if the glaze tests would be worth anything if they were fired so differently from a full size cone 10 gas firing?

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