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Ceramics Apprenticeship in Europe?

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Hello, my name is Janna. I have casually practiced ceramics on and off, but would still classify myself as amateur (yet a quick learner), no formal training. I am looking to take my time with the craft far more seriously, in a very immersive setting.

I am currently in Paris FR, and open to all of the EU. My preference is not a country so much as an environment, being that I prefer warmer climates and an ideally coastal/near coastal. All of this is a preference but not a requirement. I speak English, Arabic and moderate French. 

I am looking for an intimate opportunity to learn. An apprenticeship, internship, workshop assistant, etc., pay does not matter. It's more so finding someone that can closely pass on the craft. Currently I am researching ceramics shops and studios around the EU, and asking blindly if there is some sort of in, as I'd prefer a more one-on-one than a program in a school. If there are studios you know, perhaps even an old friend in some small town that needs some help/company and can share what they know (the ideal scenario I've romanticized about how this situation would manifest), any insights are greatly appreciated. 



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