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Glaze seeped under wax


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I was attempting to do two layers of glaze and applied wax over most up my sculpture, tape over another section and dipped. Well the glaze got everywhere and I still haven't been able to mop it all up. Its as if it seeped under the wax due to the very fine texture if the piece and became a stain. Is there anything I can do to rescue the piece? If there is some other coating that would go over the wax evenly?
All suggestions welcome:)




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Hi and welcome to the forum!

I’m reading this as the brown/beige substance being the stuff that’s seeping under your resist. If you were using a brushable cold wax as your resist, it could be that the wax just wasn’t dry enough before you applied, or it just wasn’t sufficiently saturated into that fine texture (which looks really cool, btw). 

If it’s really important that the beige glaze be removed entirely, some kind of brush may be necessary to get into all the crevices, and you’ll likely remove the wax and white glaze in those areas as well. If the wax is applied over a layer of glaze this is going to present fewer problems than if the wax was on the bare clay, as the first glaze will take the wax with it. You’ll want to let the piece dry thoroughly before attempting to reapply. 

Depending on what colour the beige glaze fires to and what’s in the white glaze, removing every trace may not be necessary, but it depends on what colourants are in it, and how saturated it is. The watery shadow of some residue may be overpowered by the other glaze. 

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