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Vase leaks clay residue through glaze cracks

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I have this lovely vase and I am using it to hold flowers with fresh water. A day or so after I have placed the flowers in, the outside of the vase begins to show white powder along the glaze cracks. What is happening? Am I damaging the vase putting water in it? Can anything be done to fix this?


Thank you, Grace

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Hi Gracie and welcome to the forum.

What I think is happening is your clay is porous to a degree that water is seeping through the clay through the crazed glaze (those fine cracked lines) and leaving soluble salts deposited in the craze lines on the surface of the pot. You could try thoroughly drying the vase out and adding a sealant to the inside of the vase. Another alternative would be to use a jam jar or some some thing to hold the water inside the vase and leave it as it is. Is this a pot you made or one that was bought or gifted to you?

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