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First firing for rebuilt kiln: Fire as new kiln or just as new elements?


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Hello again,

Thanks for all the info with setting up my kiln. Just about done with installing my downdraft kiln vent and hope to do a first test fire in the next few days. The kiln is a rebuilt L&L J230, and I'm wondering if I should fire it as a brand new kiln, which L&L recommends firing to cone 5, or just firing it like if the elements had just been replaced, which from what I've been able to come up with is cone 05? It looks like there are maybe a few new bricks and several repaired ones, but the majority are used. Lid and base are definitely used. Elements are new and shiny. It's currently just manual/kiln sitter (hope to upgrade that soon). Slightly different topic, but it looks there there is either a layer of kiln wash, or maybe cement on the top row of bricks. I don't know if this is normal, or if maybe the person that built it for me did that to just help protect the bricks. Couldn't find anything online about that.  Thanks for the help!

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