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Sink recycle system using electric pump

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Hey guys,

Asking for a recommendation for a studio sink. I have water into my studio but can’t send any wastewater out because of a moratorium on our sewer lines. Does anyone know of a sink with a pump similar to the Rohde sedimentation basin that I can get in the US? I also saw something about using a pond pump to somehow create a self contained unit that allows you to use recycled water.  See links below. Right now it’s just me and small groups of students so we’ve been washing out in five gallon buckets but it’s definitely time to upgrade our system. Thank you! 


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You might be able to make one yourself with 5 gal plastic buckets,  I built one in my basement that my sink drains to.   The clean water drains  into a sump drain,  pumping the clear water up to your sink could possibly work.   A big pond pump or small sump pump might to the job,  you need to talk to a plumber.   My system has three buckets stacked on each other and plumbed together with PC pipes and elbows   The heavier water keeps working it's way down to the bottom,  the clear water at the top  is drained off by a pipe into the sump pump drain.   When it is full the sump pushes the  water outside into the grass.   I designed  this system 13 years ago when I finished my studio,  I spent one hundred dollars on plastic buckets and piping.   It would cost more to make now,  it wasn't free to build.   I know a Rhode sedimentation system would be expensive but it might be easier to clean.   Good luck with your hunt.    Denice

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