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Looking for a reliable clear dipping glaze


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Hi all!

I am looking for a cone 5/6 clear dipping glaze that won't interact with underglazes. I've been brushing on Mayco's Stoneware Zinc Free Clear and had great results other than some weird texture over Spectrum's medium pink underglaze. I'm overall pretty happy with this clear glaze other than the fact that it is pretty time consuming to brush on the glaze- so I want to start using a dipping glaze. 

Does anyone have experience with a good and reliable clear glaze that is zinc free/won't interact with underglazes? I am looking at just purchasing the same Mayco Stoneware Zinc Free Clear or the Amaco Sahara Zinc Free Clear in a 25lb dry quantity but wondered if anyone knew of a better option.  

I'm an amateur potter and have never mixed dry glaze before so any and all advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

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If you like the results you’re getting with the brushing version, the dry mix is the same stuff, but without the water and the brushing medium. You already know it fits your clay, and how it works with your under glazes, so those factors make it a user friendly first step into mixing your own. I’d make a few tests with varying amounts of water to figure out the application differences and to find the thickness you want. But you should be able to work it out in a firing or two. 
Do make sure you weigh out and mix in a well ventilated area, and wear a respirator that protects your lungs from silica particles, not fumes. (N99 or N100. No paper masks or N95!)  If you slake your materials overnight or for at least 4 hours, it will be a lot easier to sieve. Hot water slakes dry material faster than cold, but it all gets there eventually. Yes, you need to sieve a batch that’s large enough to dip a piece in. 80 mesh is ideal. 

Hope this helps!

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