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  1. That makes sense, lots of potters attached to old school ways of thinking. I recipe test for my career so my brain just doesn't have the capacity, needs a little cheating lol. It will be very interesting to see how the tests turn out. At the very least I'll share results so others will know!
  2. Ahh you were right, the recipe was set to private, all fixed! Thank you for the insight & link. Good to know about zircopax, I'll start with a low % stain and work my way up. I don't know if I'm looking the wrong way but I didn't see many mason stain glaze tests on glazy. Feels like I'm going in blind!
  3. Thank you so much for the info! That is very helpful. The 2nd link works for me so idk, but it is a low magnesium recipe so I thought it might be a good alternative for brighter colors. I'll skip over colors requiring zinc for now since my brain isn't ready to swap fluxes else just yet.
  4. Recipe #1 (minus the cobalt): https://glazy.org/recipes/151716 Recipe #2, low magnesium, haven't tested yet: https://glazy.org/recipes/472422 I'm new to pottery and making glaze. The 1st recipe covered my dark clay well and made a nice texture so I've ordered mason stains to play with. I've seen a very vague mention of magnesium not playing well with some so I'm looking for insight before starting. The main info I have is on the mason stain reference page here. The two green shades I ordered say they're best without zinc and I saw a correlation with magnesium, so it's possible I might have trouble with green...? A couple of the colors say they'd do better with some zinc in the recipe, the rest I ordered are fine with or without it. Does anyone know how much should be added? I don't see any zinc on the analysis for either recipe. Since the top recipe makes white rather than clear, is it best to keep it as-is when wanting vibrant colors or should I remove the zircopax? I read somewhere that mixing into white will make more pastel colors, which is actually what I want to start with. A test I saw without zircopax didn't cover darker clay so I don't see the recipe working without it. Thanks for any thoughts you have on this! It's just a hobby during the little free time I have very little understanding of the chemistry. Colors ordered: walnut, dark red, canary yellow, French green, grass green, turquoise, copen blue, onxy, Saturn orange, lavender and coral.
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