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Everything posted by MikkiNightCraft

  1. Sure! I'd love it so i can compare to the one my studio is using.
  2. It's Nara from Aardvark. I'm just looking for a clear glaze that won't care on this body so i can get this order completed.
  3. Yes, it is the aardvark clay. I'm not looking to update the recipe, just find a clear glaze that anyone has had success with on the Nara clay. I have a large order and have to get that clear glaze in the next week or so and won't have time to ship in glaze supplies/mix/test fire.
  4. Been potting for 2 years, running a fairly successful business and looking to join the community. 

  5. I've been working with Nara for about a year now and suddenly am having all these crazing issues with my transparent glaze. I'm using the John Britt transparent for 05/06 that my studio mixes. I'm sure that the studio I work out of possibly messed up the recipe as mine aren't the only pieces crazing lately, but I'm the only potter working with Nara. I have a huge order coming up and need a transparent glaze to utilize on Nara 05/06 that doesn't craze. Does anyone have a recommendation of what brand/type to purchase? I've never used another transparent glaze outside of the studio recipe. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
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