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Status Updates posted by Soup

  1. Hello, I was wondering if I have a kiln that goes up to cone 6 as the max then would it be fine if I use cone5-6 clay? I'm pretty new to all this so maybe it's a simple answer but I don't want to overwork my kiln ( i don't know if that's the correct term for it). 


    1. Hulk


      Hi Soup!

      Perhaps you might move your question to Studio Operations and Making Work topic - might generate some discussion there.

      Typically, new kiln will be able to reach its max rating, but at cost of more rapid wear on the elements; for cone 6 work, a kiln rated for cone 10 would be more suitable.

    2. Soup


      Oh okay, I'm new to this website so I appreciate the response. Thank you!

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