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Posts posted by MarkTilles

  1. Back in Sweden I built a nicely running controller from jbruces early GitHub posts,  helped him enhance the code for the better thermocouple board, added many new features and tweaks and it’s been running reliably for three years without a hiccup. I now help my friend in Sweden manage it from the USA via CPN.  I moved last year to LA and tomorrow am picking up a kiln … and plan on building another. I have my last code branch on GitHub as well. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, rondoc said:

    A problem might exist using a SSW that might be because not all SSW are zero crossing . This means that they will switch on whenever the pi says to go on. A zero crossing SSW will go on the next time the 60 cycles goes to a zero voltage AND the pi says ON.  By switching at zero crossing the electrical noise is much reduced. That is also why relays are noisy because they switch on at any time the pi says go on. Relay contacts do also bounce giving intermittent sparking and much electrical noise. Relays can useful like cutting when off power with over temp. but not for a PID controller like the pi. 



    I have cheap 40A SSRs from Banggood and Wish and am not having any off issues with my operations, even with 15 foot long cables strung all over the place. Very stable measurements, no operational errors I’ve seen. Just lucky maybe?

  3. 7 hours ago, newps said:

    Hi Mark, 

    I would be interested to give that a go as well.  Don't know how MS OneDrive works (i'm on a mac)


    No problem I use Mac for my hobbies as well. Just use the raspberry pi imager tool and select my file as the source image to write onto your sd card.  I can send a link you can download the image from my OneDrive. But I need to genericize it first.

    Please note my image has features not in Jbruce’s fork (not to mention a link to swapping between two instances of the kiln controller located in two separate folders). I use the same hardware to control two different kilns with toggle switches to swap between thermocouples- and this is working for me … 

    Email me at markt3ATATATATtilles.net 

  4. 13 minutes ago, rondoc said:

    I have followed instruction on github site and it works until I get this "ERROR oven : problem reading temp N/C  etc etc..implying I have lost the maximum adafruit module and it hasn't changed. 

    However until I get to this in terminal. I readout temp fine after TC is fine and checked by a Fluke all the time. This is repeatable. Help please.


    Rondoc, i have a working ISO image of 7.5 GB card I can share with you on MS OneDrive. It’s set up with a Pi zero w and max31856 if you might want to give it a whirl?

    (But I can’t get to it until next week, need to change passwords etc first). Send me your email address if you’d like to give it a try

  5. What country are you in? My only thought is to send your board to someone else that has a working system to plug it in and see if it works there. I suspect the hardware. Like I said, I followed Jason’s instructions to the tee and had absolutely no trouble getting my clean test install to work.

    You might also try without using the hat, or try using a complete second set of cables, every connection you make is a potential connection point that could go wrong.

  6. 18 minutes ago, silfrsmithr said:

    Still no go. I think I have this wired the same as yours. I also order a MAX81355, but it's going to take a minute to get here.




    Looks to me like some of your solder joints are VERY cold. I would bet your problem lies right there. You might want to recheck them, maybe desolder and put on new solder with some flux. 


  7. 13 minutes ago, silfrsmithr said:

    Okay so I did this again to no avail. Does this look correct?  I show my results when changing from simulated to non simulated as well as changing my '55 and '56 flags.





    Screenshot from 2022-01-25 12-41-17.png

    In my ugly sketch above, I show the PIN numbers of the pi zero w,  not GPIO numbers on the top. Below on each pin definition on the Max  board I mentioned the GPIO numbers these connections represent. Vän here is my config file except for my heating GPIO

    ### Thermocouple Adapter selection:
    #   max31855 - bitbang SPI interface
    #   max31856 - bitbang SPI interface. must specify thermocouple_type.
    max31855 = 0
    max31856 = 1
    # see lib/max31856.py for other thermocouple_type, only applies to max31856
    thermocouple_type = MAX31856.MAX31856_S_TYPE

    ### Thermocouple Connection
    gpio_sensor_cs = 5
    gpio_sensor_clock = 11
    gpio_sensor_data = 9
    gpio_sensor_di = 10 # only used with max31856

  8. Personally I’m using GPIO 17. But I can also use 16, 22 or 27 which I’ve also wired in and am currently blinking LEDs and switching SSR relays on for fun! I still need to finish designing and then print out a new chassis to put everything into before I swap this one out with my current production unit.  I’m also waiting for an electromagnet lock mechanism to put into my ceramic room door jamb :-)

  9. I wanted to be able to easily replace my max31856 in case of failure and easily connect or disconnect auxiliary devices, so I made a board with socket and pins to connect devices. I have four GPIOs pulled down and two pulled up so I can interface other functions with the outside world more than just the heater control output.  You can see how I am using two single-sided boards mounted opposite each other, was a little tricky but managed to get it working. Having wired in extra GPIO ports also gives me the option of shifting the heating control port to another GPIO in case of one port failure.




  10. Guys I don’t know what the problem is. I just took a fresh installation of pi OS (The default 32-bit Debian Bullseye with desktop option) from the raspberry pi imager, enabled SSH and VNC, connected with  VNC and followed all the set up prompts including updating the system. I next followed Jason’s instructions to the tee. I ran start-on boot, rebooted, and am using the exact same hardware I’ve been using earlier with an S-type thermocouple and my adafruit max31856, everything works perfectly. Could someone be wiring up the interface card wrong? Here’s my sketch connecting the max31856 to my pi zero w, it’s ugly but you get the idea. 

    Please note: the red lines are where I have cut the traces on my circuit board, so that the wires for those pins go all the way around to the other round two other pins on the pi  6C25085D-0A2F-4119-B786-478E469A9C0C.jpeg.c8bc2e0ccc7037e0b5688a9af0f1d630.jpeg

  11. 1 hour ago, newps said:

    Hi Mark, 

    Like you I have been using the max31856 with S type thermocouples for about a year, I did have a problem before christmas when during a firing the temperature  appeared to drop drastically,  over 200C and at one point was suggesting the kiln was at 250C but it was glowing redhot through the peephole. Investigation showed that the max31856 was reporting a cold junction fault,  but for a range of reasons that was not being picked up by the pi with the code I was using.

    Are you using the version of max31856.py that is on Jason's GitHub? If so where did you get the  Adafruit_GPIO from as its deprecated now ?

    I tried to download a copy but could only get a version for Python 2.7, and it did not seem to work with Python 3.7 or 3.9 which is why I have resorted back to my old code and the 2015 Stephen P. Smith version of max31856 rather than the 2109 version by  John Robinson. Part of my earlier problems seems to be my thermocouple offset was -8C  which apparently is a problem for the max31856,  my understanding of the chips data suggested the offset should be between +7C and -7C


    Might this help you? Grepped for 31856  



  12. 2 minutes ago, newps said:

    Hi Mark, 

    Like you I have been using the max31856 with S type thermocouples for about a year, I did have a problem before christmas when during a firing the temperature  appeared to drop drastically,  over 200C and at one point was suggesting the kiln was at 250C but it was glowing redhot through the peephole. Investigation showed that the max31856 was reporting a cold junction fault,  but for a range of reasons that was not being picked up by the pi with the code I was using.

    Are you using the version of max31856.py that is on Jason's GitHub? If so where did you get the  Adafruit_GPIO from as its deprecated now ?

    I tried to download a copy but could only get a version for Python 2.7, and it did not seem to work with Python 3.7 or 3.9 which is why I have resorted back to my old code and the 2015 Stephen P. Smith version of max31856 rather than the 2109 version by  John Robinson. Part of my earlier problems seems to be my thermocouple offset was -8C  which apparently is a problem for the max31856,  my understanding of the chips data suggested the offset should be between +7C and -7C


    You know, to be perfectly honest, I will have a hard time answering your questions. I have basically been cloning the same system since the start that I had working, except for the kiln controller folder. I have been updating that folder now and then from Jasons source but I haven’t done that in probably three or four months now. I’ve just been adding a lot of tweaks for my own use, including the scheduled start which my friend Marko helped me with. If there is some folder that I could zip up for you and send to you, let me know. But I am just hacking my way along.  

  13. 4 hours ago, newps said:

    Don't know why I used the :8081 to start with,  possibly just because I saw it in

    "Client Access

    Click for local development or the IP of your PI and the port defined in config.py (default 8081)."

    It would appear that you could choose another value if you wanted.

    Let us know how you get on with the Adafruit 3263 (MAX31856) on the current code as I would like to update to the newer  version .

    What type of thermocouple are you using?

    Newsps, i’ve been using the max 31856 for a good year ever since Jason Bruce helped me with the coding. Works great for me, I’m using S thermocouples with both ovens I have connected to my system. I bought the adafruit max31856 card from a reseller here in Europe

  14. No, we are newbie amateurs, but we’ve been getting satisfactory results with our work nevertheless.  We have fired many times in the past with this oven with the same clay type, and I’m confident we reach the same temperatures because I had compared top temperature is between the system earlier. But heat work, that’s new for us and something we will be looking into, especially to be able to create good, effective heating curves with the oven. I guess that’s the idea right? Making sure that the proper heat work is being applied to the material.

  15. Yes! I haven’t opened the oven yet, but will do that tonight.

    The system operated very well, pretty much exactly as it is designed.  I had the catch-up setting turned on to 10°, and my oven was going very slowly toward the end only about 80 to 90 C per hour, so because the catch up was on I didn’t get 1260 in the oven I only got 1250 because the system shuts off at the target temperature nevertheless, it apparently doesn’t wait for the sensor temperature. So now I know I’m going to change that catch up setting to 1° instead of 10. I don’t know if it can be changed to zero?

    At that point I tried to restart the system with a new configuration to get that last 10°, but for some reason I was unable to start it.  It showed in the GUI Interface that the system restarted, but nothing was showing up in the logs nor did the red heating lamp start to blink.  I had to shut down and  restart the service get the system to restart, I don’t know why. But by that point I had lost so much heat I decided it was good enough at 1250 for the stoneware firing without glaze. 

  16. 1 hour ago, leof said:

    I'm not sure about the count down timer. Because the firing stopped at about 900C (while the target temp was set to 940C) I was a bit of in a panic and wanted to resume as soon as possible. I had to switch the Pi off, change SD-card and get all things going again.

    You know, I was thinking, if somewhere in the config file you might have a typographical error, it might be that the kiln engine has miss-read that variable setting of yours. And maybe others?  I would first take a close look for this.

    Next you might want to test again without the heater relay/SSRs attached, and see if you can re-create the problem.

    You might then copy in an unmodified version of the config file, and then make your changes, and test again and see if the problem is gone.

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