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Everything posted by Mndenton

  1. Hello- I am looking for some kiln advice! I accidentally fired a glazed piece to Cone 06 instead of Cone 6. Is it safe to refire the piece? If so, do I need to repaint it or should I just put it back in as is?

    It came out not glossy..... 

    (new art teacher!!) 

    1. rox54


      I'm not as experienced as some folks here, but I would say yes, it's safe to a re-fire.  You didn't reach vitrification. However, I don't think you have to glaze again. Too much glaze would cause problems.  It's similar to if your electric went out before you reached cone 6. You just fire again. Best wishes!

    2. Amelia


      Echoing what @rox54 says. You can totally just re-glaze as is! There are times parts of my kiln don't get to temperature (one or 1/2 a cone off) and I just throw it right back in and it comes out looking beautifully! Good luck!

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