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Joe Cettina

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Everything posted by Joe Cettina

  1. Many Years Ago Back In High School In the Art  room was a Potters wheel sitting in the corner collecting dust.

    The Art teacher was ant artist and not a Potter, so the wheel was  not being used. One day I asked the teacher if I could use the wheel. I had never done pottery before    So I got some clay and started. I went to the library and took out books on ceramics and throwing on the wheel. When   I started throwing on the wheel a lot of the other Art students   became interested and wanted to    learn how to throw.   The Art teacher saw how good I was at it She asked me to teach others how to throw on the wheel and work with clay.

    I was hooked  .When I graduated I went to  an art college to study ceramics . Lot of things happened in the family and I had to leave  college  and take care of the bumps in life.

    I finally got  back into ceramics a few years later  bought a Kiln and a Randell wheel and  started making pottery for art shows and flee markets.

    Life chained again had to put pottery in the corned again  . I kept my wheel and kiln that  I set up in my home today . I'm slowly digging it out  of the corner   because my son is learning pottery  and im re-hydrating some 50 year old clay for him to use

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      this would make a great profile.



      A true hearted incentive from  an artist to another artist.That´s all we need.

    4. moonpenny


      Your clay will be super..................aged and wiser!  Touch clay and let its preciousness in.  You've loved it most of your life since first touching it.  You have NEVER forgotten how much you love it.  You never would have saved that clay. 


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