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Lesley Anton

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  1. Also found this: https://ceramicartsnetwork.org/daily/firing-techniques/electric-kiln-firing/bisque-firing-schedule-help-prevent-glaze-faults/
  2. Ah wonderful!!! I feel like I now have some awesome tools with all this great info. Tom, thank you!!! (and thank you Glazenerd!) I am a newcomer (not to clay but to Cone 6 firing/black clay/this forum, so I apologize that this is repetitive for those veterans on here. My clay history is cone 10 reduction so due to a recent move across the country, the situation has it that I needed to jump over to cone 5/6 oxidation. I have done a ton of searches on this forum but if you don't have the right combo of wordage things don't pop up. Thanks again!
  3. Thank you Tom and Callie! Will be doing another test tomorrow with the 'super soak'! "I'm firing a modestly paced bisque - wouldn't call it slow - however, significant pauses at the three temps (per GlazeNerd) 752, 1063, 1500F" Tom would you say 30 min at each of those temps?
  4. Hi all, this thread is so helpful, thank you! I have been working with Sio2 PRNI Black Stoneware and having issues with bubbling, cratering glazes. (cone 5/6 ox) The same glaze tests on their Black Ice Porcelain are perfect but this clay is so soft and very hard to throw large scale work. So, I am understanding that the PRNI has high Fe, Co and Mn content (as per the manufacturer) so might the recommendations above (slow bisque firing/holds through 300-600F and 1290F - 1650F for avoiding bloating also apply to the glaze finish? (bubbling, cratering) and maybe a hold at the top cone 5/6 temp to allow for bubbles to settle? They noted to use glaze recipes without zinc, but I did test some and these tests also bubbled. There is sadly scarce advice on this on the internets. I tried Cassius Basaltic for a bit but bailed, way worse issues and also no help from the internet or Aardvark on solutions aside from 'try these few commercial glazes that we sell' (don't want to use commercial glazes). I'll of course try the advice from this thread on my next test run myself but wondered if any additional thoughts on this. Thanks!
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