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Image Comments posted by mdobay

  1. agree that if it was in a strong draft and the spot your pot was in didn't get as hot as it should have that could have caused the crazing but it looks like the glazes are fully melted so I'm not sure. also agree that if it cooled way to fast it could have caused it also. still a lovely pot, crazing or not : )

    Thanks Min.  I have gazed another piece with the same combo, so it will be interesting to see how it comes out.. Will post some pics of it when I get it back.

  2. some neat colours going on there! the crazing in your other picture, may I ask why you think it's because of kiln placement? (just curious)

    Let me preface with I am fairly new and have only been throwing a few years and do not fire my own stuff. So its only a guess.  The studio were I take classes, uses a gas kiln and I was thinking that color change and Crazing could have been caused by the reduction if the piece's was placed in a location of a draft??  My assumption is one of the reasons crazing happens is because  a piece cools fast?

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