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Status Replies posted by JLowes

  1. Love this kind of phone call: "You remember that big mixing bowl you made last year with the texture on it? I want one." *headspin*

    1. JLowes


      I had someone who bought a raku dog figurine call two years after the Saale and ask why I made those (I do have a story and dutifully repeated it.)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. So I got busy and made three sinks for a house I am renovating. This past week I loaded them up and bisque fired them. One of the three survived the bisque firing. The good thing is I know how to efficiently make two more. Must allow more drying time for 1/2 inch thick ware this time..

    1. JLowes


      I have new clay for the remake of two sinks, it's a nice architectural clay , very groggy. This time I will take more time to dry, and punch some relief holes inside the foot ring near the foot/bowl join to let the water out better.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. So I got busy and made three sinks for a house I am renovating. This past week I loaded them up and bisque fired them. One of the three survived the bisque firing. The good thing is I know how to efficiently make two more. Must allow more drying time for 1/2 inch thick ware this time..

    1. JLowes


      The thrown footring applied to the bowl gets thick and needs more drying. Six hours of preheat didn't do the job.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. So I have half of my inventory I hope to take to my first show of Spring is in the kiln bisque firing. About two thirds are new designs I hope will sell well.

    1. JLowes


      So, only one unsatisfactory pot in the whole load. A handle detached itself at the top join. It looks like someone forgot to score and slip...oops. Need to decide how to go...handle...no handle. All the raku destined pieces from the load are fired and turned out well.

  5. After a year of procrastinating, I finally printed my first batch of HP LaserJet decals, got them on test pots over the weekend, and am firing them today. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    1. JLowes


      Once you check your results and are happy with them, maybe you will share your source for the decal paper.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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