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© 2024
Credit Sculpture & photo by Hyn Patty

Gypsy Vanner Butt Medallion More Progress

Hyn Patty

In this second photo I have progressed my oil clay relief sculpture a great deal more.  It is still in a very rough stage, working out final compositional elements before smoothing and detailing.  Working from real horse reference photos and my own sketches, relief sculpts like this are a great way to practice sculpting and making your own fairly simple molds for slip casting.  Be very, very careful of undercuts!  This piece eventually will be used for a small resin cast edition as well as a porcelain edition - it measures 5.5 inches tall at this point.  A piece like this can easily be sculpted on a piece of glass as I have done here, or a glazed ceramic tile.   I intend to use this as one of several show awards I will be giving out for a judged event that includes classes for pieces of my own work.  I also take a lot of step by step photos to help me see how the piece is progressing, flip it horizontally to check my design and make my brain see it anew, and later can use the documentation to write up how to articles for publication.


Sculpture & photo by Hyn Patty


© 2024

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Hyn Patty LLC

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