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Opening Clay For Small Pots Vs Large Pots

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If you have a large amount of clay and it's proving hard to open using your fingers, you can use the right side of the heel of your right hand. Remember to keep your hands joined and use your left hand for stability so you don't push the wall out unevenly. Once you have got it open a bit you can then use your fingers for the rest.

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Samnus- I've found that the 'rules' (conventional ways to open particular shapes in this case) are only useful to a point. You could probably look at a series of successful potters opening a form like a cylinder, and there would be differences all down the line.


For me, the key thing with any form is to throw it repeatedly, experimenting with different hand positions and opening strategies. You'll find a sweet spot that works well for you, allowing for consistency.

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As the above poster, Kohaku, says it depends on what works for you. As I have stated in other posts, sometimes I open with a thumb, or a middle finger, or two fingers braced together-these when throwing smaller cylinders to larger ones. When working over 15# I often open with my fist, or hand held like a spoon. Bowls are different as I like rounded bottoms inside of my bowls, so I open with either the edge of my fist leading with the hand knuckle of little finger. Larger bowls 8# or more I open with my elbow. Whatever works, works. I used to know a girl who had no rt hand, opened with the stump, pulled with the stump.

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Thanks for the reminder about YouTube...when I start watching these I find myself spending hours and hours...they're addicting ;o) I can see where there are many different ways...but like you say, you have to find what works best for you...so I will give it a try and see what happens.

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