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Technology in your studio

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Google Voice for free phone and text. Right now running through computer however have VoIP Telephone Adapter on it's way.


One phone line for fax and credit card machine that I'm still working out how to find a free or better alternative without buying a new ethernet card machine.


Satellite high speed internet with router and Powerline adapters, you can route your Internet connection around studio though the regular power lines with them and faster connections than my wireless is needed for the media.


3 roku's, wd-tv live, older xbox360 for media players, audio books


Most popular media is audio books. Our local library has audio books one can download right from computer and we also use hulu, netflix, and Amazon prime for movies and shows cause glazing (a lot) and packing is boring.


5 computer 2 on constantly. one runs the media through a media program called plex and and another called playon that play through the rokus


Directv - only active for football season afterwards we cancel and get a new deal when it's time (go Broncos and Peyton)


Kindle, always with me.


All electronics handle our dusty studio fine (I know dust is terrible and I try to keep it controlled with air cleaners and cleanup... however it's still dusty)


The only items that die seem to be the directv boxes however I'm a computer geek so I've always got the computers open and I blow them out often enough


Because of this we slowly are down to one box and have it slaved to all the tv's.


When it's no football time (no directv) we also have slingbox that plays tv through a home tv

Slingbox is a TV streaming device that enables users to remotely view their home's cable, satellite, or personal video recorder via internet

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