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Can you make a ready to mix cone 5 glaze to cone 6

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Maybe it becomes a bit less runny fired at cone 5? If the ready to mix glaze is a recipe, post the recipe and folks will likely suggest adjustment to try. If it is a commercial product premixed and you are dead set on using it, I would test fire to cone 5 with a 15 / 20 minute hold if your clay vitrifies at cone 6. The hold will drive the heatwork to cone 6 but limit the peak temp to cone 5 hopefully reducing the running problem a bit.

All of these solutions could change the color a bit, so testing is really important.

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Kaolin, probably, but I’m afraid it’s not that simple. As @Bill Kielb said, if there’s a recipe people could make reasonably reliable suggestions. If it’s a pre-mixed commercial glaze perhaps you could ask the supplier exactly what you asked here. I haven’t got a clue what kind of response you’d get but it can’t hurt to ask. 

Adding something, kaolin, for example, changes the percentage of all other ingredients and there’s no telling what effects it may have beyond making the glaze stiffer. 

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