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Upgrading controller from Orton Autofire to Bartlett V6-CF

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Hi there! I'm upgrading my kiln's controller, I naively thought it'd be a simple switch but when I opened up the Autofire the circuit board is different to the Bartlett V6-CF and I'm stumped. The wires that go to my relays aren't in the spade connectors like I'd need them in order to connect to the Bartlett. I can pick up some connectors but I'm stumped on which wires I need to match up to a spade connector and I'm wondering if someone can provide some guidance on how to check.  I'll attach some photos, if they're in the order that I drag and dropped them it's 1) existing controller circuit board 2) new controller circuit board 3) and 4)  wires from the relays before the lead into my controller (sorry I don't know what this piece is called) 5) the existing wires from the old controller and 6) the relays (just in case).  Thank you!

existing controller 1.jpg

new controller.jpg


wires 1.jpg

wires close up.jpg

relays 1.jpg

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You'll have to trace the wires back to their origin to determine where they're coming from, but here's how they connect to the V6-CF:

1. AC 1 and AC 2 are the power wires from the transformer.

2. Center Tap is the ground wire from the transformer.

3. If you have a single zone kiln (1 thermocouple), then the thermocouple wires will connect to TC 2 (the row of screw connectors on the other side of the board from the spade connectors). Yellow wire is positive, red wire is negative. If you have multiple thermocouples, TC 1 is the top section of the kiln, TC2 is the middle, TC3 is the bottom.

4. If you have a single thermocouple, then Output 2 will go to the relays. If you have multiple thermocouples, then Output 1 will go to the relay that powers the top section, Output 2 the middle section, Output 3 the bottom section.

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Thank you Neil! I think I'm going to end up having kiln repair professional do this for me, I'm terrified of putting the wrong wires to the wrong connector and potentially shorting out the new controller before I even get a chance to use it.  Looks like a nifty controller and I'm excited to have a controller with numbers and the ability to customize firing programs! 

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