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Underbisqued... re-fire or glaze?


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Hi Everyone,

My kiln started playing up a few days ago whereby the relay kept arcing when set on low setting (Duncan teachers plus). This started within a few minutes of the bisque fire so I shut the kiln off straight away and called a technician who advised I would need a replacement relay.

Aside from the relay issue, I later realised on the same day that I hadn't completely turned the kiln off. The lower elements appear to work constantly when the toggle is on OFF when the sitter is engaged/on... and I hadn't disengaged the sitter.  As soon as I realised my kiln had been on the whole day (approx 10 hours), I measured with a pyrometer and it was sitting at approx 400 degrees celsius. 

What would you suggest I do with these '~10hr 400degrees fired' pots now? They appear to be somewhat bisqued (they make a tink sound when i tap on them) but they don't have the usual 'very pale pinkish tinge' that i get with my bisque ware. 

Should I just go ahead and glaze them or is it best to refire? (I intend to dip glaze some and brush glaze the rest).

Since this is a full kiln of paid orders, I am scared to lose all this work. I am thinking to try glaze a couple of the pots tomorrow and do a glaze firing to see how they come out,... but if anyone has a more expert view on what to do, I would most appreciate your input. If i can potentially go ahead and glaze fire the whole lot tomorrow based on anyones expertise, that would be ideal for cost and time saving! I promise not to hold anyone accountable for the final outcome :p 

Thanks heaps! 





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No, 400c is a long way from cone 04. There is virtually the 100% reality they are not bisqued at this point as you are accustomed ……. so different than you are used to. Multiple bisque firings to cone for under-glazed pots are a common thing,  usually with no noticeable effect for the decorator other than their underglaze is more permanent as intended.

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