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Amaco Sahara High Fire HF9 Zinc-Free Clear

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Dear Community,
I would be very grateful if you could answer the following two questions about Amaco Sahara High Fire HF9 Zinc-Free Clear:

1. Can this glaze be applied to green ware?
2. If so, to what temperature should the object be fired?


Thank you in advance for your much appreciated feedback. 
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1. Definite maybe, the glaze is made for going on bisqued pots not single firing though. You would have to try it and see using your clay and firing schedule. 

2. This glaze is meant to be fired to cone 5/6, your clay should be one that matures at the same cone. I don't know if pyrometric cones are commonly used in Switzerland? Cone 5 is approx 1190C and cone 6 approx 1222C, when the kiln fires at 60C for the last 100C of the firing. If you fire faster or slower the end temperature will be higher or lower than this.

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