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China Paint

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Why are you firing the piece so many times? Is this stoneware, earthenware, or porcelain?

You are talking about two different products; china paint and underglaze. What is the look you are after?

There are products that can mend the cracks and can be fired. If you want your colors to show up better you can apply a white underglaze that must be fired.

Some clays cannot take too many firings it puts them under too much stress and cracks can appear.

It is best to do some testing before you commit your time and materials to a major project.


Here is an Amaco product that you can try-

4 oz. jar (Item #28897B) $14.50 8 oz. jar (Item #28899D) $27.95 and go to http://www.amaco.com to get more information about the product. Here is the image-



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Guest JBaymore

If you use epoxy before the china paint firing, it is just going to burn out in the kiln, creating nasty stuff in the air and wasting your time.


With appropriate testing work done beforehand, you can do just about uinlimited firings on a piece. But that "ups" the technical sophistication needed.





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