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Kiln Controller V6-Cf Series 700 Issue What Happened How Do I Figure This Out?


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The bisque test fire completed successfully early this morning. YAY I'm so happy I could give it a hug and I would if it weren't still 1200 degrees!


Looks like it was JUST the breaker so replacing that made everything work again.


Feel like I should apologize to my kiln for thinking IT was the issue. LOL Good kiln such a good kiln the very best kiln in the world! Yeah I'm a little weird this morning stayed up all night watching it just in case.


I am attaching 2 pictures. The black one with the red read out is what I see from the camera I have set up monitoring the kiln without the infrared setting turned on the camera. I can watch the numbers climb and see any readout that is on the digital screen. When there error happened I woke up to total black and flew down the steps to see what happened.


The 2nd image is what I can see with the infrared turned On, hence the reason it looks B&W not color. I can see the kiln, and the main breaker panel, sub panel and the emergency shut off. If I remotely turn the camera I can even see a lot of the conduit running on the wall and the open window to allow more airflow into the room. You will notice the digital screen is burned out with this mode turned on, when firing at night I keep this mode turned off so I can see the screen easily and if I want to see the room around the kiln turn it on.


So happy this has been solved and I am back up and running.







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