Hi there,
happy new year!
I am a novice, happy to learn from some threads here so far =)
I'm thinking about starting a clay project I have in mind for a few years.
Therefore I am trying to find the best way of manufacturing a battery of parallel pipes that should have none or almost no draft angle at the inner walls of the pipes. Additionally, the ends of the pipes should have a defined shape too, one side even closed off.
I thought about different ways to solve it:
Extrusion of modeling clay mass (-> no draft) + slip casting of front and bottom of pipe battery (can modeling clay mass be combined with a slip cast process?)
Slip casting with minimal draft angle (0,5° or even less? polish the plaster for easier demolding?) . Plaster mold resembles the inner shape of the tubes and slip builds up to the outside. (Is it a problem that the drying clay will shrink onto the inner mold - maybe even leading to cracking?
Slip casting with normal draft angle (2-3°?) and using drill(?) to drill out the draft into a even hole before firing(?) or is the slip cast elastic enough to be streched/widened to a homogenous inner diameter of the pipes somehow?
Form pressing of clay mass. Not sure about possibility of 0° draft. Don't know of a reference of form pressing clay yet. Maybe you have one?
Looking forward to reading your thoughts!