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Everything posted by AmyW

  1. Thank you. I think I’ll give this a try first.
  2. Thanks for the welcome. I've been wondering about using a 4" or 6" vent on a kiln that's only 11.25" x 7" x 9" on the inside. Will it pull too much air out of such a small space? I have an uncovered paver patio that I can run the kiln on, weather permitting. I could create an enclosure from cinder blocks (leaving the openings on the sides for air flow) if that would make any kind of difference, and figure out some type of roof. Thoughts on that?
  3. I've ordered an Olympic Doll E/Test E kiln and will have it in a few weeks. I have three options about where to put it, and I'm curious about venting it. The kiln is small - 17" x 17.5" x 22.5" outside dimensions. What kind of vent would I need, if any? I plan to use it for bisque and glaze firing. See options below. Option A: Spare room. I can keep a window open when firing but I feel like that's not the safest as far as fumes, since it's part of the house. If I need a vent, though, the bedroom would be very convenient. Option B: Basement. There's only 1 window in the basement, but wiring the outlet I need would be cost-effective since the breaker box is in the basement, and near the window. What about venting? Option C: Garage. I can leave the garage door open a little, or leave a side door open. Would I need to buy a vent system in addition to that? Also, how do I keep small animals from going into the garage to get warm in winter?
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