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Everything posted by Summerss

  1. This is great! I will check these out; thanks so much!
  2. Thanks for your response! The clay body I use is a stoneware; Laguna #50. I’m using commercial glazes for now, I make functional ware, and my kiln has a controller (Skutt KMT 818-30A-3). I'm mostly looking to gain knowledge on glaze firing and how different techniques affect the glazes (like holds, temps, and learning what the techniques even are!) I am currently firing with Skutts pre-programmed settings. In general, I am just curious to learn more about this subject, but something that has triggered my research is a glaze I’m using that is turning out much different than expected AND Laguna recommends not to fire the cone 6 clay past cone 5.5. I hope this narrows down my question a bit more… Overall, my knowledge on glaze firing is very limited and I think any resources that cover firing techniques and how they affect glaze will be helpful! Thanks so much!
  3. I’m mainly a hobby potter; I’ve been throwing for about 12 years and have always had my worked fired for me by professors or friends with kilns. I’ve recently purchased an electric Skutt kiln and am testing things out. While I’m doing lots of trial and error and know that’s the best way to learn, I’m also looking for some resource recommendations on firing/glaze reactions/etc. I’m looking something just above beginner level (something that covers some basics still while diving a little deeper, but not too heady yet). The clays I’m currently using are cone 6. What are some favorites that have helped you all?
  4. My go to clay has been Laguna #50. I’ve made a set of bowls and plates for someone and I’m looking for a deep, more natural looking green glaze (nothing neon or too bright) to finish off the set. I’m currently playing with Amaco PC42 Seaweed (see attched screenshot) on the Laguna #50 but it has turned out quite brown each time. Wondering if anyone who uses Laguna #50 has some recommendations for a deep green glaze that pairs well?
  5. The link to the clay I’m referring to is below. It’s from a local vendor. https://rovinceramics.com/products/ro-82m-terracotta-with-fine-grog?_pos=1&_sid=94c8d131d&_ss=r
  6. Hello, I have a new clay I’m trying and the firing range is cone 04 - 6. I’ve never used a clay that states a firing range” before. I’m wondering if this means I can firing the clay anywhere from cone 04-6 or if this means the bisque is 04 and glaze can be 6? thanks in advance!
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