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Everything posted by Springfire

  1. Oh wait I actually do have a picture of the side!
  2. Hi! It is the caldera x with the plain extension collar. I spoke again to the tech who’s trying to fix it and it’s doing the same thing for him (blowing the fuse immediately upon turning on), so I at least know it’s not due to the electrical on my end (I miss typed in my original post but it was plugged into a 20 Amp circuit. It’s a 14 Amp kiln). He’s still trying to figure it out and is checking each component but he’s quite stumped, said it looks fine on the inside but clearly there is a short somewhere. I’ve read that Paragon has a history of not using the proper gauge wires and/or plugs in some of their kilns, had anyone else heard this? It’s literally a brand new kiln so it’s clearly something that got messed up or not properly installed when they built the thing… it’s in the shop getting looked at but I do have a couple of pictures of the inside! Probably not that helpful but it gives you an idea
  3. Ok, I really need some suggestionsn I have a brand new Paragon Caldera kiln that keeps malfunctioning. I turned it on the do a first firing (empty to prime the elements) and that seemed to go fine. the pyrometers cones I had in it didn’t melt and I figured it was because I didn’t have a hold at that temp. So I set it again to fire to cone 01, empty, with a hold to make sure it was firing correctly. As it was ramping up, about 45 min. into the firing, the internal fuse blew and there was a slight electrical fire smell. The circuit breaker box fuse did not blow and the outlet it was plugged into still worked, but the kiln itself was dead. It’s plugged into a dedicated circuit, 15 amp, regular household outlet that’s inline with what the manufacturer requires. I called Paragon and they walked me through testing the components with a multimeter and they told me it was likely a short in the switch so they sent me a new one. I replaced to switch and the fuse blew again immediately upon plugging it in and turning it on. And that point I threw in the towel and brought the kiln to a local ceramics supply company that repairs kilns. They’ve now had it three weeks and still don’t know what’s going on with it. Any suggestions?? what should I be looking for in terms of issues in the electrical on my end (is it the right amperage, wire gauge etc)? I’m by no means an electrician so if the wiring in the house isn’t correct I’m not sure what to test or look for. I have a gallery expecting work in August and I haven’t been able to fire anything and I’m officially in panic mode. I’m also living in a rural area for the summer so getting an electrician out here will cost several hundred dollars so it would be a last resort! Thank you!
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