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Everything posted by Vik

  1. Hi everyone! I'm currently in the process of learning how to glaze while working in a pottery studio, and I've received some great advice from this forum in the past. I really appreciate everyone's insights and kindness! I have a question regarding our studio's glaze mixing process. We use pre-packaged 10lbs bags of dry glaze, mixed with a 1:1 ratio of water and glaze. Currently, my process involves using two buckets: one with 10lbs of water, into which I pour the dry glaze (while wearing proper PPE equipment). I then mix it, sift it through a fine mesh sieve into a new bucket, mix it again, sift it again, mix it once more, and finally sift it into the original bucket of low glaze before mixing again. I'm wondering if it's possible to streamline this process by adding the 10lbs of water directly into the original bucket of low glaze and starting the mixing and sifting process from there. I hope this explanation makes sense, and I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice on this matter!
  2. Hi Everyone, I work in a fairly large pottery studio, we tend to accumulate a significant amount of clay on our rags and aprons. We have a washer and dryer on-site, but I've noticed that clay leaves a residue on the washer and dryer. I'd appreciate any input or recommendations on the best detergents to effectively break down clay and help keep our washers and dryers clean. If you have suggestions beyond just laundry detergent for cleaning the clay off of fabrics, please feel free to share those as well! Thank you!
  3. Hey Everyone! I want to thank you all for your advice! My maker space will try a lot of these out to see which will work best for us. I'll be sure to keep this thread updated with our progress. @Piedmont Pottery I'm also curious if you find that adding the epson salt affects how the reclaim pottery throws afterwards in addition to firing and glazing.
  4. Hi there! I work at a local Maker Space and we currently recycle three different clay bodies in the studio. Our current setup consists of three separate 32-gallon garbage cans. However, we are facing an issue with the water not draining properly when we dump all the clay scraps from throwing into the cans. This makes it challenging to reclaim the clay in a timely manner. On the other hand, if we remove the water used during the throwing process, we tend to lose a significant amount of fine loose particles, causing the clay bodies to fall apart. Since we share the space with other areas, we have limited space available for the reclaiming process. Additional information: We do have a pugmill for the reclaiming process.
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