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Nannette Pilcher

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    Amarillo, Texas

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  1. Hello All, thank you for your insights and suggestions. Sorry for not uploading photos with my initial post, I was on my way out of town for the week and had not gotten photos before I left. The Honey Flux we are using is the commercial Amaco glaze on Anasazi 5 clay body. The first 2 photos are of a base and a tile that my partner glazed and she thinned the glaze with water and used way too much water. We assumed that the over thinning of the glaze caused it to turn blue/gray. BUT, the 3rd photo is of a pawn and the glaze was applied at the proper consistency with three healthy layers, like the other pieces that have fired correctly, yet it turned really blue. I was not aware that the rate of heating and cooling would/could affect a glaze so drastically, firing temperature yes but rate, had no clue. My initial thought was that maybe a different glaze on someone else piece may have reacted with the honey flux through fumes mixing in the kiln, is that even possible? Anyway, we are not sure what has caused it to go so blue on a few and not on others (fired in separate batches) we LOVE the blue and would really like to know how to control the shift in order to use it when we want and avoid it when we don't. Thanks again for your willingness to provide insights and suggestions, much appreciated. Nannette
  2. Hello, I have encountered an issue with Amaco Potter's Choice Honey Flux turning blue with white highlights on a few of my pieces. We have been firing a chess set and most of the pieces have fired beautifully but on a couple of the loads, the pieces have been fired with an assortment of other various pieces. We are an art school so we have many artists creating but a select few people are in charge of loading and firing the kilns. We have been firing to come 6 and sometimes come 5. The blue/white is beautiful, but not a match with the accurate Honey Flux. If anyone has had this particular issue and can provide some information on how to avoid/control the variation, I would be very grateful. Thank you, Nannette Pilcher
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