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Everything posted by kawaiidumpling

  1. Thanks for the advice! The reason for wanting to make my own engobe is that there are no online stores in my country that sell colored slips for porcelain (or higher temperatures) as far as I'm aware. I looked everywhere but they were nowhere to find, so I impulsively ordered some pigments some months ago. An average electric wheel is over $2000 so I do see molds as the only affordable DIY option for now (ceramic season is over as well, so barely any courses available locally).
  2. thanks for the answer. I will look into the coning stuff. Hmm I would definitely prefer the hand sculpt method, but if it's not possible I might try making my own molds..... But I would have to make many different ones and some details would be a bit too small and simple to make a mold of , I think.. That and I also like the sculpting process. My local pottery webshop does have both liquid and solid porcelain from the same brand called witgert. But mixing the two is just not very common it seems. the closest firing place fires porcelain glaze at 1260 degrees celcius (2300 F).
  3. Hello, My apologies if this is the wrong place for this post, I'm very much a beginner but have taken two ceramic courses. They are not keen on teaching you about porcelain, which is why I thought I'd take matters into my own hands and teach myself, as it is the only clay type I'm interested in (even though I'm told it's too difficult for beginners, I'm stubborn and like it way too much not to start working with it). I want to try slip casting as an affordable wheel alternative and for a change, and would like to attach my hand sculpted pieces (tiny humans, animals, leaves) to, for example, a slip casted mug, to create some sort of fantasy scenery mug. I'd also like to paint details on them with homemade underglaze, and I wondered if it would be a good idea to make it out of the same clay used for the sculpted pieces. Dried, ground up and mixed with high temperature pigments in the right proportions, and then made into a slip. But both the sculpted clay and the engobe would need to have the right shrinking percentage for the slip casting clay. I can't find too much information about it online. Is mixing these two mediums possible or too much of a risk? The clays sold do come with the percentage.... but is it really this simple? Could I dry out the pre-made liquid slip clay slightly, and use that for sculpting as well? Or will the slip ingredients make it less suitable to work with in that sort of way? Merely a matter of trial and error?Ahh! I have no idea....
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