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Jo Binmore

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Everything posted by Jo Binmore

  1. Hi all, whilst I am not new to using clay in school I am new to dealing with the kilns so much. To complicte things a member of the public also uses the space for clases. Recently the kiln has caused an excessive amount of smoke/ haze wihtin the rooms during the first stage of firnig, so much so it has set off the fire alarms. This is ona bisque fire within the first 6-9 hours. The adult classes loads were mixed. I loaded yesterday with all buff clay, fully dry and set to a bisque fire. No delay: ramp1 600c @ 70c/ph. 2nd ramp to 1020c. I set t off yesterday lunchtime and when i returned to the rooms this morning there was a heavy haze. This then set of the smoke detector as I had opened the door to a room where one was located. I have no idea why this is doing it. The room was vented from firing until 9.00pm last night and then shut up but not re-opened this morning. I have never seen this much haze from a kiln any ideas would be fab
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