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Jill Smolkin

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Everything posted by Jill Smolkin

  1. Oh I never thought of that before firing! Is there a special kind of threaded rod I should be looking for? One that can withstand the heat (cone 6). Silly question maybe but I am still fairly new to all this
  2. Thank you for all your replies! This is my original idea that I've landed on (so many ideas... ), but I'm open to suggestions . I am planning a combo of wheel thrown (the center "stem", which goes all the way to the top to become the center of the flower) and hand built (the flower and leaves). In the center there will be a place for a bolt (there will be a hole in the glass) and then secured by the ball on top, as well as glued to the glass. Look forward to your feedback! **Edit: forgot to mention there will be 4 of these legs
  3. Hi wonderful community! I am looking to embark on a coffee table project (this is just for myself) and would love to make ceramic legs with a glass top (this is where the weight issue could be). What are your suggestions? Should they be hollow so a metal rod can be inserted (after firing) for strength, or would solid be better? They need to be approximately 14" in height and I'm guessing 3-6" in dimeter. Thank you!
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