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Posts posted by lta

  1. Thanks to chilly for the response, I will give it try that is something simple though I am used to being in over my head, lol.

    Hello Jeff,

    I have seen videos about that issue, the hardness of the plasticine maybe effected by the heat generated during the curing process of the plaster. I am using a med hardness for this piece which seems firm but that does give me pause in that I had planned to do a simple piece first just to get started and (duh) why not do two in one and test the hardness /potential warpedness of the various plasticines at the same time test my plaster mixing skills.

    I'm always getting ahead of myself, lol

  2. Thank you for the video, i think I may have watched this one before! It's a great video but never thought to apply the technique to what I am doing now, makes sense though. I'm just afraid to take the plunge because it could easily be a three-piece mold because of the undercuts and detail. But actually after watching this I may take a break and do something more straightforward and cast that first just to get my feet wet. Thanks for the imput!

  3. I used plasticine to create a figurative mug and want to then make a mold and slip cast( or try to, lol) I have read conflicting information about using plasticine for this purpose. Ultimately I did choose to use it over wet clay for the control over detail, reuse and no dry out. Can anyone offer some advice about how to move forward and or if there is anyone in the Boston area that teaches mold making? I have looked high and low with no luck. Thankyou

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