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    Lightbeaming got a reaction from Kelly in AK in Re-firing under-fired, crazed glaze-ware?   
    I’m in a very old building and this was before my landlord gave me the proper electrical support to fire correctly. I am currently up and running smoothly 
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    Lightbeaming got a reaction from Callie Beller Diesel in Re-firing under-fired, crazed glaze-ware?   
    I’m in a very old building and this was before my landlord gave me the proper electrical support to fire correctly. I am currently up and running smoothly 
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    Lightbeaming got a reaction from neilestrick in Re-firing under-fired, crazed glaze-ware?   
    I’m in a very old building and this was before my landlord gave me the proper electrical support to fire correctly. I am currently up and running smoothly 
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    Lightbeaming got a reaction from Callie Beller Diesel in Re-firing under-fired, crazed glaze-ware?   
    Thank you for your feedback! The glaze normally doesn’t craze. I was concerned the drastic temperature shift caused the crazing since the clay was shifting at a different rate than the glaze. 
    I don’t remember the exact temp but I know it got to at least 1800*F. I was about 6 hrs in to a ^6 medium glaze fire. I have an electric kiln. 
    yes, this glaze runs a bit if applied to thickly. I have a few random mugs with this glaze that I use when I need a “dummy” piece for a test firing and it usually stays in tact. Don’t want to risk it though, so I was also thinking about making a few cookies to catch potential runs. And agreed. Planning  to refire a few at a slightly lower temp ^5 with the cookies underneath. 
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