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Judy SA

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Everything posted by Judy SA

  1. Could the problem come from firing greenware and glaze together? Since I don't usually have enough for two separate firings I do one firing with both.
  2. If I change temperature do I go higher or lower. Do I change the greenware or the glaze firing?
  3. Thanks. It sounds like something I am just going to have to live with. My seniors don' t know the difference and usually put a luster over the clear glaze. They are happy. It is mostly me that knows the difference. I'll just have to remember to use white glaze. Thank you so much. Blessings, Judy.
  4. I teach a ceramic class at The Salvation Army. I am using Standard low fire slip which I fire to cone 05. The bisque looks white. My problem is when I use a clear glaze and fire it to 05 or 06 it comes out looking yellowish or creamy. I am aware of the formula change. I have tried thinning it with distilled water, and putting on a thinner coat of glaze, and used a different brand of glaze. Nothing I have tried made a difference. My supplier has told me that they have not had anyone else with this problem. Most of the time there is no problem as my class usually use colored glazes. But, there are times when they want an item to be white and since we are a non profit I really don't want to use more expesive white glaze. Is there anyone that can help me?
  5. Thanks, I'll try that. Thank you so much. That solved the problem. I learned something new!
  6. I have a round nickle bank mold that every time I pour it, it caves in (does not stay attached ) to the mold. The mold is very dry. What can I do to correct this?
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