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Posts posted by Velk

  1. Hello!

    I’m thinking I need to put in a new thermocouple and I’m wondering if there is one I could buy that fits my kiln and lasts longer?

    I’m also wondering if I need to reset my controller if this issue might not just be the thermocouple.

    I have a 1823E top hat kiln with a genesis 2.0 controller and a vent.  I bought it new 6 months ago.   I’ve fired it 19 times, only 5 of those were cone 5 glaze firings.  The rest were 04 bisque, raku and glass slumps.  I’m new to electric kilns.  I’ve read that a thermocouple would last about 20 firings to a high temp but maybe it’s 19 for my kiln.

    Today I turned it on to load a bisque for firing later and the genesis screen showed “calibrating…” I’ve never seen that screen before.  After it booted up it showed TC1 and TC3 fail.



    I’m new to electric kilns and not all that experienced in firing.  There’s just one thermocouple, but the genesis lists TC1,TC2,and TC3.  Did the calibrating screen I saw scramble some preset?  I don’t remember ever looking at the TC screen showing all 3 so I don’t know if it’s different from the previous firing.

    I last fired a cone 5 glaze and didn’t get any error messages, the witness cones bent as expected.  The cone 6 guard cone remained upright.  There were no errors displayed.

    When I first turn on the kiln, TC 1 and TC 3 show 2552degrees.  It couldn’t have gotten that hot on or the cone 6 cone would have over fired.


    I did notice some black dust on the shelf that I’m guessing is from the thermocoupler.  I didn’t notice any defects in the glazed pieces.


    I looked at the genesis manual for thermocouple fail.

    “Check the board temperature under Diagnostics under Menu. If the board temperature is approximately room temperature, then the t/c is defective. If the board temperature shows a high temperature the circuit board is defective.”

    the board temperature was just a few degrees from the TC 2 temperature.

    Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.  I’ve learned a lot looking through these forums.  Thank you for your time!




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