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  1. Hello! I have been having issues with my kiln not reaching Cone 6 recently and have assumed my elements were getting old. It had been reaching Cone 4 and 5 okay so far. I just started a new firing today and noticed there is an occasional buzzing sound between some of the clicks. I tried to search online and it looks like this could be a sign of a failing/failed relay or infinite power switch? Does anyone have any advice for me on this? I have had the kiln for about 1.5 yrs and haven't had to replace the elements as they were new when I got it and don't fire it super often. I emailed Cress today and the email I got back was "It sounds normal." Literally that is all the message said so I'm a little annoyed. I swear I haven't heard this noise before. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can post videos here of the sound I am referring to but did post one on the r/ceramics subreddit here: Thank you for your help! Lara
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