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  1. Hello, I ran out of wax resist and did not want to buy more because of pricing, been using paraffin with mineral spirit as an alternative but found it annoying that I would have to reheat it to use. Is there a cheap alternative for wax resist that is ready to use whenever, without needing to reheat. Thanks.
  2. @Bill Kielb thank you so much. i think i will keep the bisque program as is and look into a slow glaze firing schedule for cone 6 but will use cone packs to make sure.
  3. Hello everyone, I just bought my first kiln, Nabetherm Top Loader 190L, and am a bit confused with their programmed firing schedule. From what i have learnt, you bisque fire to cone 04 but it seems like their program has set it to cone 09. I was wondering if anyone can help me look over these programs because i am wondering if i would need to re-program these schedule, and if so, would love advices and recommendations. I have plans to fire my pieces to cone 6 for stoneware. Thank you very much.
  4. Hi everyone, I’m thinking of purchasing the Nabertherm top 190. Does anyone have experience with it, any problems? Would love to know if it’s worth it, thanks!
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