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Posts posted by OVMI_Designs

  1. Ah didn't realize you need 25%, which makes sense as the way the kiln is currently setup.

    The kiln is indeed 18 wide by 22 tall interior. Also I double checked and it is 2.5" brick, not 3".

    It is incapable of doing at Medium speed firing. I actual had to lower the top temp on my custom firing schedule from 2200 to 2150 with a longer hold and slower ramp. Ramp from 2100 to 2150 is 60/hr. I watch a cone through the peephole when firing. It takes like 13.5 hrs to reach cone 6. I think I am only getting about 40 to 50 firings before I start having issues. Part of the issue is a 5volt drop when under load in the circuit. 

    The wiring from the breaker to the kiln is 8/3 copper, so I could potentially put a larger breaker in the box, and upgrade the kiln wiring. My other concern is that the house is a 100amp circuit. Do you think it could handle a larger draw?

  2. Hello,

    I have an older kiln with 3" Brick, and 4 side wall elements. It is a Cone 8 kiln. It has always seemed under powered to me when firing to cone 6, even with new elements. It had a kiln sitter (which I used to fire with), but I did a custom upgrade with a Bartlett Genesis Mini kiln controller and all necessary relays and wiring. The current specs of the kiln are as follows:

    -Wired into a 240v / 30 amp circuit

    -5760 Watt Kiln with 4x 40 ohm (I think, totaling 10 ohms when wired together) elements @ 24 amps max. The 4 elements are wired in parallel. 

    All the wiring in the kiln and custom kiln controller is rated for 30 amps. I am wondering if it would be possible to put in a higher powered element, while still maintaining the 30amp circuit. I was thinking something along the lines of:

    -6240 Watts with 4x 37 ohm elements (9.25 when wired together) @ 26 amps max. This would still leave more than 10% head room on the 30 amp circuit. 

    Do you think this is feasible and makes sense? Will an 8% increase in power make a difference on reaching cone 6? If so, who can I go to to get the elements?


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