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Status Replies posted by sparklingmango

  1. It's been wet, hot and humid here lately. And very little wind to cool down with. I got my fan and an exhaust ceiling fan going and it still get around 90 degrees. But I plan to make some more mugs and fire a small load starting tomorrow evening. When it is cooler. How's your weather?

  2. Just got instagram, pm/post here your names here :D

  3. I've been waiting so long for a dry day here in the UK to do some firing outside! It's raining all week :'(

    1. sparklingmango


      I'm so jealous of you guys in sunny california and arizona :( i cant fire inside because i dont have a garage and i have indoor cats!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. So it's back to University today. My faience pieces get submitted next week and I have to do a talk to the class and lectures about my research. Thank you to the Ceramic Forum for all your help and advice!

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