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Posts posted by drmyrtle

  1. I was imagining a series related to the sea/wind idea:


    Imagine making either a collection of 5 individual pieces, or one piece incorporating, each of the five Chinese Wu Xing 'elements' or phases: earth, metal, water, wood, fire. You could use the words concretely or metaphorically, constructively (as listed) or destructively (earth, water, fire, metal, wood). Mixed media, illustration, etc all part of the challenge.


    Limitations: you have to include all five phases in your final entry, and you cannot submit your final entry until your entire contribution is complete. (By this, I mean that the image you submit might contribute to your vision, so if it's a collection, the final entry has all of the pieces arranged by your hand as the final image submission.)


    BTW, my name is Myrtle, which was already taken upon sign up to the forum ;>. The dr part simply adds biographical information not otherwise necessary.

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