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About macdoodle

  • Birthday August 24

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  • Location
    Orange County, CA, USA

macdoodle's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. Hi. I'm pretty much a beginner myself, trying to learn. I wasn't a chisel/knife carver, I was a power carver using Foredom carving tools. I was self-taught, and I had a Foredom, so.....! I have ~ 25 clay carving tools and use only 6 or 7 most of the time, so I haven't been tempted to dull my handful of knives & chisels! I have used the Foredom on underfired clay with ...

  2. Are you using your wood carving tools in clay? PS: despite what it says, I'm just beginner who asks far too many questions and does almost everything in violation of all the rules , just to see what will happen -and if you really can't. :)

  3. macdoodle

    Some of my stuff

  4. in trainee mode- so many ideas - so much to learn

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