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  1. Mark, Min, Thank you very much for the suggestions. Sounds like I will likely need to dive into mixing my own glaze for this one. I will try the Mason Best Black and go from there. And good to note on Leaching! Will report back if It turns into something cool. Thank you!
  2. The thought process is to provide the reader with a reference for making a suggestion. Flat, black, low reflectivity. I understand that glaze is not paint. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. Ideally for both inside and out. But if no food-safe options are available I might consider doing the inside differently than the outside. Also, ideally, commercial glaze, but again if no other options I might consider a recipe. But at this point, all options are on the table if the result is good enough. I guess this brings up the question of what would I consider good enough. I have tried Amaco, Mayco, Georgies, and Cyote black glazes. The Mayco Satin black SW-140 is probably the closest to what I am trying to achieve. I have seen a glaze by Spectrum (253 Satin Black) which looks pretty good too but have not tried it yet. I am curious if anyone has found a glaze or process (that they are willing to share) that really stood out in this regard.
  4. Mark, good point. I am currently firing at cone 6. I am reluctant to change that, but if switching to cone 10 can get me much closer to that pure-black look then I might be willing to make that transition in the near future.
  5. Peter, Yes! thanks for the image. I guess I should have added something like that for clarity.
  6. I am looking for the deepest blackest flattest glaze out there. I know there are many good black glazes, but I am specifically looking for something that is very flat and very black. For reference, I am looking for something as close to the product "Black 4.0" as I can get. I know that something like that is probably not actually achievable, But I would like some suggestions for the closest thing in that direction. The inspiration is for it to feel like you are looking into space. This will be used on a cup so I would prefer it to be an actual glaze and not just paint it with black 4.0 or something. The clay body will be white and that unfortunately can't change. I am wondering if I need to use a black underglaze first, but I am worried about brush strokes coming through. Thanks!
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