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© 2023
Credit Photo and custom glazed by Hyn Patty. Sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn.

CMG Maxixe da Barros SM2.jpg

Hyn Patty

Custom glazed bone china 'Maxixe da Barros' sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn and produced by Horsing Around of England. Client custom order to black & white sabino Criollo after photos the owner took of a real horse. Glazed by Hyn Patty, 2023 to satin finish. All work done in the kiln. Piece stands 6.5" x 9" x 3 inches wide. See more of my work at hynpatty.com


Photo and custom glazed by Hyn Patty. Sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn.


© 2023

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Hyn Patty LLC

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