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Glazing 101 Question

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I use underglazes on my sculptures, and I have no experience with glazes so this is a total newbie question.  I bought some Potters Choice glazes and combined the colors as suggested in the catalog (i.e. two coats of one color followed by two coats of another). I made test tiles, fired to cone 5, and loved the colors and reduction effects the glazes produced.   But I've just glazed some sculptures and the colors are noticeably different from the test tiles. I can live with the colors, but it made me wonder: Can you apply glaze over a fired glaze?   If so, what happens to the original glaze coats when I fire the pieces up to cone 5 again?  



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There will be changes on refires, what they will be only testing will determine.

I have heard that potter's choice have different firing schedules for different glazes, it might be best to contact them about details on firing with different clays.

Why not make up a bunch of test tiles that can go into every firing so that you can build a library of glazes and effects as well as refire tiles.

Yes you can add a glaze over a fired glaze and there again testing will give you info about how your kiln fires.


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Thank you, Wyndham.  I took a one-day workshop on Potter's Choice glazes, but no one mentioned different firing schedules!   I will check with them, and that's a great idea about putting test tiles in with each firing.  It never would have occurred to me to constantly test the same glazes!  Jayne

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