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Edie S.

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    British Columbia

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  1. I will try testing the elements and then contact Cress if they aren't working. Are there different kinds of sitter cones for the kiln, or are there different ones depending on the cone temperature? Thank you for your help!
  2. Sorry, they wouldn't post directly because it said the picture was to large. I just figured out how too make the file size smaller.
  3. https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/9KHv9uZ5aSco Here are a couple pictures of the kiln sitter.
  4. I recently got a older Cress C-11-H and I don't know anything about it. I was informed that it did not get up to temperature, but that is all I know. It did not come with a manual. I tried watching some videos on how all the parts are supposed to look and I think my kiln sitter needs to be replaced, since the kiln piece that holds it is worn through. I can't seem to find any of the parts that I need. Is this kiln to old to find replacement parts? I don't know how to tell the age. I don't know that the kiln sitter would cause it too not reach temperature. Does anyone know how I can fix that? Do I need to get new elements? Thanks, Edie
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