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Sage Real

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Posts posted by Sage Real

  1. I recently tried firing cone 06 bisque for a cone 10 Bmix set of things. I run a manual propane kiln. Later in the firing I had an issue with my propane tank and was only able to reach 1550F so basically about 200+ degrees lower than needed. Can I rebisque these pieces or will it cause issues?

  2. On 11/7/2023 at 4:45 AM, Bill Kielb said:

    So first question do you use cones and have you placed them in more than one location to get a sense of how evenly the kiln fires

    Firstly, thank you for your reply I appreciate it. We have been using a cone 5 cone for the glaze fire however we should be using witness cones as well for a more accurate read. So far the cones have folded over pretty evenly on top and bottom possibly a little over? As for glaze application we’ve had a fair mix of under, just right, and over glazes. We’re finding that some of ours are pretty runny. To get into reduction we have pretty much just been closing the flu and waiting to see the orange/red flames peeking out. To be entirely honest I am not confident with how to do it correctly. We are working on test tiles though so we can accurately gauge which colors are most changed through the reduction firing in the future.

  3. Hello, 

    we have a propane kiln and have been firing it to a final glaze fire at cone 5. The glazes we are using are Laguna Cone 5/6 glazes. All pieces have survived except the colors we are getting are either completely different than the label or seemingly very muted. I had chalked it up to them being different because it is a reduction firing instead of oxidation but a professor had told me I could just be over/under reducing which is resulting in the color change. I have been following a cone 5 schedule I found online. one of our most impacts glazes has been a burgundy that comes out grey or green instead. This has been very trial and error for me because I don’t know much about this yet, but am looking for any help :).

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